Upside Down?!

Hi! I’m Charlie Wheelan and I am running to fill Rahm Emanuel’s vacant congressional seat in the Illinois’ 5th Congressional District. I am an expert in economics and a public policy lecturer at the University of Chicago. I’m also the author of Naked Economics, a lay-persons guide to economics!

Last month, my “Underwater” TV ad caught the nation’s eye.  Today, I’m launching my second TV ad, “Upside Down.”

Check out the new ad at

This time, instead of being underwater, I’m dangling from my feet, literally UPSIDE DOWN!  Why?  Because I wanted to show that I understand how many people’s efforts to pay their mortgage, afford health care and college tuition costs have gone “bottom-up”.

This is an equal opportunity recession.  I’ve met people with buildings named after them who’ve lost half their net worth.  I’ve met middle-class parents who thought they’d saved four years of college tuition and now only have two.  I’ve met people who’ve lost jobs, or are really worried about that possibility.

If it takes something a bit crazy like hanging upside down to make folks sit up and take notice, I’m willing to do it.

You can see me in the ad holding a copy of my book Naked Economics while strapped in inversion boots and suspended from a bar.  Halfway through the television spot, gravity wins out; I finally plummet, like the economy.

The ad, which was shot in front of a blue screen, took more than three hours to tape and I was hanging upside down almost the whole time.  I felt like my eyes were going to pop out. It was much worse than having to submerge myself underwater. Still, it was worth every minute to show people that I am the best person to help get out of the economic struggles we are facing today.

Don’t forget – the special primary election for the Illinois Fifth District Congressional seat is March 3.

5 thoughts on “Upside Down?!”

  1. and I love the ad, but quite frankly some of your opinions on economics disturb me.

    But I’m not in the district, so you have nothing to worry about. All the best.

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